A Norman architecture revisited

Between tradition and modernity, the Beaumarchais mansion is, by its construction, representative of the so-called "regionalist" style that develops in France and Europe in the first third of the twentieth century.
Architect of Norman origin, Henri Jacquelin (1872-?) Was appointed to carry out this architectural project. Born in Evreux, this one is noticed for these many transformations and modernizations of manors in the Calvados or the Eure: Saint-Hilaire manor in Louviers, manor of La Pommeraye, castle of Small-Fountain in Arromanches. Installed in Paris, Henri Jacquelin finishes, in 1927, the reconstruction of the castle of Hattonchâtel in Lorraine in a style, this time, "troubadour".

The source of inspiration for the manor is clearly the Norman architecture including that of the manor houses of the Auge country of the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Henri Jacquelin, with an almost archaeological concern, has brought together sometimes disparate elements of this architecture, playing on the materials (stone, brick, wood), the volumes (varied and complex) and the decoration (equipment of the stone, carved wood, colonnade).

Avis A Norman architecture revisited